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Hall Booking Terms and Conditions

Hire Agreement

In consideration of the Hire Fee detailed on the booking form, we agree to permit the hirer to use the premises for the purpose of the function and for the period(s) detailed on the booking form. All details on the booking form are part of this agreement. The Hire Agreement includes these standard conditions and the special conditions set out below.


1. Definitions

1.1 ‘Hirer’ means only the person or persons named on the booking form, or where the ‘Hirer’ is an organisation that organisation.

1.2 ‘You’ and ‘Your’ means person’s names on the booking form (including anyone added or substituted at a later date) and any person whose credit card is presented for payment of hire charges.

1.3 Auchtertool Village Hall or ‘we’ or ‘us’ means Auchtertool Village Hall (are there any registered company details? They would be entered in here along with the address.

1.4 ‘Premises’ means those parts of the Village Hall stated on the booking form.

1.5 ‘Booking’ means the contract between and the Hirer and Auchtertool Village Hall, as detailed on the terms of this agreement on which these conditions form part.

1.6 ‘Hire Period’ means the agreed time or times as defined on your booking confirmation email, hire agreement documentation, final invoice or any additional documentation.

1.7 ‘The Function’ means that described and authorised by the booking.

1.8 ‘Hire charges’ means the agreed money that you are required to pay to secure your booking. 


2. Contract

2.1 Your contract is with Auchtertool Village Hall, your contract comes into existence when we send confirmation of your booking to you in a written format, either by letter or email.

2.2 You should check the details of your confirmation carefully to ensure that it reflects the booking you and requested and inform us immediately of any discrepancies, as it may not be possible to make changes later.

2.3 If you commit any breach of this agreement, we may treat the agreement as terminated. In this situation we will not be liable for any refunds, compensation, losses or expenses.

2.4 The Hirer must ensure that they have an understanding of the Hire Conditions.


3. Rates and Conditions

3.1 Prices and conditions quoted on our website or documentation are subject to change without notice. 

3.2 All prices are quoted in UK pounds sterling.

3.3 Once you have made your booking and paid the Deposit, the cost of your hire will not normally be subject to any change. This does not apply to invoice errors or omissions. 

3.4 Once a booking has been made, offers and discounts cannot be applied retrospectively. 

3.5 When you book for the Hire Period the Hire charges will be agreed with you at the time of booking and must be paid at the time of booking.

3.6 The management committee reserves the right to make reasonable charges for any damage to the property and/or contents incurred during the use of the hall, as covered in the hire agreement


Standard Conditions of Hire


4. Age

4.1 The hirer, not being a person under 21 years of age, hereby accepts the responsibility of being in charge of and present on the premises at all times when the public are present. You will ensure that all conditions under this agreement relating to the management and supervision of the premises are met.

4.2 The hirer will arrange for sufficient adults to be present throughout the hire period to ensure compliance with the provisions and stipulations contained or referred to in these Hire Conditions and all other relevant licenses.


5. Supervision and Responsibilities

5.1 The hirer shall, during the period of hiring be responsible for:

5.1.1 Supervision of the premises, the fabric and the contents, their care and safety from damage, however slight or change of any sort.

5.1.2 The behaviour of all persons using the premises, whatever their capacity.

5.1.3 The supervision of car parking arrangements to avoid obstruction to highways and driveways.

5.1.4 Ensure that the purpose and conduct of the hire does not disrupt or interfere with the use of any other room hired by other persons.

5.1.5 The hirer must ensure that any temporary fixtures and fittings comply with Health and Safety guidance, and must ensure that any decorations used are not a fire hazard.

5.1.6 The hirer must ensure that any equipment or electrical appliances brought onto the premises and used there are certified safe, in good working order and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. Where a residual circuit breaker is provided the hirer must make use of it in the interest of public safety.

5.1.7 The hirer must ensure that all fire exits and access to them are kept clear at all times.

5.1.8 Any failure of equipment either that belonging to the hall or brought in the hirer must be reported to a village hall representative  as soon as possible.

5.2 We are not responsible for the loss or damage to any persons property or belongings.

5.3 The hirer shall ensure that all areas of the premises are left clean and tidy, with all rubbish removed and placed in the outside bin at the front of the building. There is a cleaning cupboard located next to the kitchen door, any required cleaning products can be found here.

5.4 The hirer shall be responsible for setting up and clearing away any tables and chairs, please use the trolleys provided to move the tables.

5.5 Failure to leave the hall in a clean and tidy manner may result in additional cleaning charges.


6 Use of Premises

6.1 The hirer will not use the premises (including the car park and surrounding areas) for any purpose other that that described in the hire agreement.

6.2 You will not sub-hire, use the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose. Nor do anything or bring anything onto the premises which may endanger the same or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof nor allow the consumption of alcohol without written permission.

6.3 You will not allow the use of drugs on the premises.

6.4 You will not allow smoking or vaping in the premises or in the vicinity of the entrances.

6.5 You will not allow the sale of alcohol on the premises.

6.6 The hirer shall ensure that the maximum capacity of 100 people is not exceeded.


7 Insurance

7.1 The hirer shall be liable for:

7.1.1 The cost of the repair of any damage, including accidental or malicious damage, to any part on the premises including the curtilage thereof or the contents of the premises.

7.1.2 All claims, losses, damages and costs made against or incurred by the village hall management committee, their employees, volunteers, agents or invitees in respect of damage or loss of property, or injury to persons resulting as a result of the use of the premises (including the storage of equipment) by the hirer.

7.1.3 All claims, losses, damages and costs made against or incurred by the village hall management committee, their employees, volunteers, agents or invitees as a result of nuisance caused to a third party as a result of the use of the premises and subject to sub clause.

7.1.4 The hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified accordingly each member of the village hall management committee , employees, volunteers, agents and invitees against such liabilities.

7.2 The hirer is responsible for ensuring that any third party such as a catering company or a company operating hired equipment such as but not limited to bouncy castles onto the premises, has the relevant and appropriate insurance, which shall include public liability insurance.

7.3 If the hirer is operating a business they are responsible for ensuring that they have the relevant and appropriate insurance, which shall include public liability insurance.

7.4 The village hall shall take out adequate insurance to ensure the liabilities, the village hall shall claim on its insurance for any liability of the hirer, hereunder but the hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified each member of the village hall management committee and the village halls employees, volunteers, agents and invitees against any insurance excess incurred and the difference between the amount of the liability and the monies received under the insurance policy.

7.5 The village hall is insured against any claims arising out of its own negligence.


8 Gaming, betting and lotteries

8.1 The hirer will ensure that nothing is done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting and lotteries.


9 Childcare Act Scotland 1995

9.1 For all bookings involving children and/or vulnerable adults, except private parties where the hirer is a family member the hirer is required to have their own safeguarding policy.

9.2 The hirer agrees to take such steps to ensure that they comply with the current children’s act.

9.3 The hirer must ensure that the correct and appropriate checks have been completed for any adults that will be in contact with children.

9.4 The hirer will provide the village hall committee with a copy of all certificates if requested.

9.5 The hirer is responsible for all child protection policies.

9.6 The hirer shall ensure that any activities for children under 8 years of age comply with the provisions of the Childcare Act 1995.


10 Drunk and disorderly behaviour and the supply of illegal drugs

10.1 The hirer will ensure that in order to avoid disturbing neighbours to the hall and avoid violent or criminal behaviour, care will be taken to avoid the excessive consumption of alcohol.

10.2 The hirer must ensure no illegal drugs/substances are brought into the premises.

10.3 Drunk and disorderly behaviour shall not be permitted either on the premises or in the immediate vicinity.

10.4 Any person suspected of being drunk, under the influence of drugs or who is behaving in a violent or disorderly manner shall be asked to leave the premises according with the Licensing Act Scotland 2005.

10.5 Alcohol shall not be served to any person suspected of being drunk or any person suspected of being under the age of 25 without I.D.


11 Film

11.1 Children shall be restricted from viewing age-restricted films classified, according to the recommendations of the British Board of Film Classification.

11.2 The hirer should ensure that they have the appropriate copyright licences for film.


12 Smoking/Vaping

12.1 The hirer shall ensure that the hirer’s invitees comply with the prohibition of smoking in public places provision of Health Scotland Act 2005 and regulations made thereunder.

12.2 Any persons who breaches this provision shall be asked to leave the premises.

12.3 The hirer shall ensure that anyone wishing to smoke and or vape, does so outside and disposes of cigarette ends, matches, etc in a tidy and responsible manner, so as not to cause a fire, or the littering of any area.

12.4 It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that any smoking debris is cleared away on completion of the hire, failure to comply with this may result in an extra cleaning fee.


13 Fire

13.1 The hirer must ensure that the fire brigade are called to any outbreak of fire, however small and details are passed to the village hall.

13.2 The hirer must ensure all emergency exit signs are kept illuminated and not covered partially or fully in any way.

13.3 The hirer must ensure that all precautions are taken against the risk of fire causing damage to the property.

13.4 There is no telephone, so the hirer must ensure that they have access to a charged and in good working order mobile telephone.

13.5 The hirer must ensure that all emergency exits are kept free from obstructions and immediately available for instant public exit.

13.6 The hirer must prior to the start of an event indicate the fire exits and evacuation meeting point to persons attending the event, this information can be found in the entrance lobby.

13.7 The hirer must ensure that the hall lobby and foyer entrances are not blocked with large items.


14 Heating

14.1 The village hall has wall mounted radiators operated by thermostat’s, the hirer must ensure that the thermostats are not adjusted without prior permission from the management committee.

14.2 The hirer must ensure that no unauthorised heating appliances are used on the premises.

14.3 The use of LPG appliances is not allowed.


15 Car Park

15.1 Vehicles are parked in the car park or on the road at the owner’s risk, we are not liable for damage to any vehicles.

15.2 Vehicles must not block fire exit areas.


16 Accidents

16.1 The hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to an authorised representative of the village hall as soon as possible, this will be recorded in the accident book.

16.2 The hirer shall ensure that the appropriate medical assistance is sought or an ambulance called.

16.3 We are not responsible or liable for the injury of any person in the premises during the hire period.

16.4 There is a first aid kit located in the kitchen.


17 Explosives and flammable substances

17.1 The hirer shall ensure that no highly flammable substances are brought into, or used in any part of the premises.

17.2 The hirer shall ensure no internal decorations of a combustible nature shall be erected without the consent of the management.

17.3 The hirer must ensure that no decorations are put up near light fittings or heaters.


18. Key collection

18.1 The hall is fitted with a key safe, you will be provided with a code to open it by text or whats app on the number you provide.

18.2 The hirer shall ensure that the key is replaced back into the key safe at the end of the hire. Please ensure you scramble the numbers once the key has been replaced.

18.3 In the event of loss or damage to the key or the key safe you will be liable for all costs of repair and or replacement.


19 Stored equipment

19.1 The village hall accepts no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought into or left at the premises and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded.


20 Noise

20.1 The hirer shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure particularly late at night and/or early in the morning.


21 Music

21.1 The hirer must ensure that they have the appropriate music licence, in general, private hires do not require an additional licence.

21.2 If the hirer is operating as a business, or is organising an event where the profit does not go entirely to the voluntary organisation, then the hirer is responsible for obtaining a PPL (Public Performance Licence)


22 Public health

22.1 The hirer is responsible for conforming to all Public health legislation and guidance that relates to the control of viral pandemics, such as but not limited to Covid-19 and to take reasonable precautions to limit the spread of the virus.


23 Fly posting

23.1 The hirer shall not carry out or permit fly posting or any other form of unauthorised advertisements for any event taking place at the premises and shall indemnify and keep indemnified each member of the village halls management committee accordingly against all actions, claims and proceedings arising from any breach of this condition.

23.2 Failure to comply with 23.1 may lead to prosecution by the local authority.


24 Sale of goods

24.1 The hirer shall, if selling goods on the premises, comply with the Fair Trading Laws and any code of practice used in connection with such sales.

24.2 The hirer shall ensure that the total prices of all goods and services are prominently displayed.

24.3 The hirer shall display the organiser’s name and address and if any discounts are offered that these are based only on Manufacturer’s Recommended Retail Prices.

24.4 The sale of any food products which are pre packed shall display a full list of ingredients, with allergens highlighted in bold to comply with relevant laws and regulations.

24.5 The sale of food which is not prepacked must display a list of all allergens in bold, a full list of ingredients shall be available on request.

24.6 The sale of alcohol is strictly prohibited within the premises and the surrounding area.


25 Animals

25.1 The hirer shall ensure that no animals (including birds) except guide or assistance dogs are brought into the premises, other than for a special event, agreed by the village hall.

25.2 The hirer shall ensure that NO animals are to enter the kitchen area, at any time.


26 No rights

26.1 The hire agreement constitutes permission only to use the hall and confers no tenancy or other right of occupation on the hirer.

27 Health and hygiene

27.1 The hirer shall, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant health and hygiene legislation and regulations, in particular dairy. Vegetables and meat must be refrigerated. Please request that the halls refrigerator be switched on prior to your event if required.


28 Cancellation by the village hall

28.1 The village hall reserves the right to cancel a hiring by written notice to the hirer in the event of a national emergency, or similar force majeur situation that requires the premises to be closed, or of the premises being required for use as a polling station for a parliamentary or local government election or by-election or referendum.

28.2 The village hall reserves the right to cancel if such hiring may lead to a breach of the licensing conditions, or other legal or statutory requirements.

28.3 The village hall has the right to cancel a hire if there will be unlawful or unsuitable activities taking place.

28.4 The village hall has the right to cancel a hire if they believe the hall has become unfit for the intended use.

28.5 In such circumstances the hirer shall be entitled to a full refund of any fees paid, but we shall not be liable for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages.


29 Cancellation by the hirer

29.1 If you cancel the booking 4 weeks before the date of the event, the village hall will return any fees paid in full.

29.2 If you cancel less than 4 weeks but up to 1 week before the event then the village hall will refund 50% of any fees paid.

29.3 If you cancel within 7 days of the event you will not be entitled to a refund.


30 Acceptance

30.1 These terms and conditions will have been made available to the hirer at the time of making the booking, by proceeding with the booking the hirer is deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.


31. Law

31.1 This agreement is governed by the laws of Scotland. 

31.2 You warrant that all information supplied by you to ‘Auchtertool Village Hall’ in connection with this agreement is true. 

31.3. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other undertakings or agreements between parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement. 

31.4 We reserve the right to vary the rates and conditions of hire at any time.

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This website is managed by members of the community of Auchtertool for the benefit of the residents of Auchtertool.


Copyright 2023



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